Benefits to families of fallen soldiers will increase



By the decree of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the families of the fallen servicemen of the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, National Guard, State Security Service, Presidential State Security Service, Customs Committee and Electronic Technologies Development Center and their dependents will be given privileges and guarantees. It was announced today, March 13, by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev in the decree  "On measures to strengthen social support for family members of military personnel and employees who died in the defense of the Motherland and the peace of our country. 

With the document, from May 1, 2023, the survivor's pension for each member of the military family who is unable to work is determined in the amount of 50 percent of the monetary support (salary) received for calculating the pension.

Family members (parents, spouse, children under the age of 23) in the month in which the income was received, in the amount of 3 times the minimum wage for each month are exempted from personal income tax on income.

The most important aspect is that now families will be provided with housing in the first order of priority if they are recognized as needing housing.

The right to receive long-term preferential mortgage loans is reserved in accordance with the procedure for granting long-term preferential mortgage loans to military personnel (employees) for the purchase (construction) of housing.

Monthly monetary compensation to the unmarried spouse and one of the dependent parents of the deceased serviceman (employee) for renting (renting) accommodation to servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan the payment procedure is applied (if there is no residence in the property).

Thus, from June 1, 2023, the children of the fallen military servicemen will be provided with free education in preschool educational institutions, as well as receive education in professional and higher education institutions based on state grants, according to additional quotas.

The parents of the deceased servicemen are given the right to use railway and air passenger transport twice a year for free.

To the family members of the deceased serviceman:

• the right to receive free medical care in the medical facilities of the responsible ministries and agencies where these deceased servicemen served is reserved. Also, within the guaranteed volumes of medical care, it is possible to receive medical care as a priority and to be admitted to a hospital in an emergency;

• medical organizations providing high-tech specialized medical care provide free medical care at the expense of the State budget;

• the right to use the next annual vacation at a convenient time, as well as the right to receive additional vacation without pay for up to two weeks per year.


Shavkat Mirziyoev harbiylar Farmon

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