Weather forecast for March 17-19
15 March
9182Uzhydromet has provided the weather forecast for the beginning of the week, from March 17 to 19.
- Republic of Karakalpakstan & Khorezm Region:
The weather will be slightly cloudy with no precipitation expected. The wind will blow from the east at 7-12 m/s. The temperature will be:
- March 17-18: 5-10°C at night, 20-25°C during the day.
- March 19: 22-27°C.
- Bukhara & Navoi Regions:
Slightly cloudy weather with no precipitation. The wind will be from the east at 7-12 m/s. The temperature will be:
- March 17-18: 5-10°C at night, 22-27°C during the day.
- Tashkent, Syrdarya, Samarkand, & Jizzakh Regions:
The weather will be partly cloudy with no precipitation. The wind will blow from the east at 7-12 m/s. The temperature will be:
- March 17-18: 5-10°C at night, 20-25°C during the day.
- March 19: 20-25°C during the day.
- Kashkadarya & Surkhandarya Regions:
Slightly cloudy weather with no precipitation expected. The wind will be from the east at 7-12 m/s. The temperature will be:
- March 17-18: 7-12°C at night, 22-27°C during the day.
- March 19: 10-15°C at night, 24-29°C during the day.
- Andijan, Namangan, & Fergana Regions:
Slightly cloudy weather with no precipitation expected. The wind will be from the east at 5-10 m/s. The temperature will be:
- March 17-18: 5-10°C at night, 20-25°C during the day.
- March 19: 22-27°C during the day.
- Mountainous Regions:
Slightly cloudy weather, with no precipitation expected. The wind will blow from the east at 7-12 m/s. The temperature will be:
- March 17: 0-5°C at night, 10-15°C during the day.
- March 18-19: 12-17°C during the day.