Janubiy Koreyada osmono‘par bino butkul yonib ketdi (video)
09 Oktabr 2020
15156Janubiy Koreyaning janubi-sharqidagi Ulsan shahrida 33 qavatli osmono‘par bino yonib ketdi. Bu haqda “Yonhap” agentligi xabar berdi.
Yong‘in 8 oktyabr kuni soat 23:00 larda boshlangan. Kuchli shamol sabab alangani o‘chirish uchun 10 soatdan ko‘proq vaqt ketgan.
Corée du Sud : On signale qu'une tour de plus de 30 étages est en proie aux flammes dans la ville d'Ulsan.
— Rebecca Rambar (@RebeccaRambar) October 8, 2020
Il n'y a aucune victime connue. pic.twitter.com/AP41jAfaxA
Ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda tarqalgan foto va videolardan binoning barcha qavatlari yonayotganini ko‘rish mumkin.
Yong‘in xavfsizligi xizmati ma’lumotiga ko‘ra, 88 kishi tutundan zaharlanib, shifoxonaga yotqizilgan. Yong‘in sababi o‘rganilyapti.
HIGH-RISH INFERNO: New eyewitness video shows a massive fire that broke out on the 12th floor of a 33-story apartment building in Ulsan, South Korea, with hundreds evacuated – including some from the rooftop – and at least a dozen hospitalized. https://t.co/ojcYCIvtcu pic.twitter.com/RRgccJHxCx
— World News Tonight (@ABCWorldNews) October 8, 2020