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Appeal filed over convict's death in Almalyk colony



Earlier, it was reported that the body of 21-year-old convict Muhammadkadir Pulatov was found in colony No. 14 of the Penal Execution Department under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In response, the Ombudsman has sent an appeal to the Prosecutor General's Office regarding the case, according to a statement from the press service of the Oliy Majlis Commissioner for Human Rights.  

According to information provided by the duty unit of penal colony No. 14, on February 14 at 22:45, the convict, who was serving his sentence, sought medical attention from the colony’s doctors due to a sudden change in his health. As his condition did not improve despite receiving first aid, he was transferred to the Almalyk city central hospital for further medical treatment.  

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However, despite the medical assistance provided, the convict died in the hospital at 01:00 on February 15 due to hypertension and primary heart failure. Following his death, a forensic medical examination was ordered to determine the cause.  

Currently, the case is being investigated on site by the Ombudsman’s staff and the regional representative in the Tashkent region. Additionally, the Ombudsman’s regional representative in the Fergana region met with the deceased’s family members to offer condolences. An appeal has also been sent to the Prosecutor General's Office requesting a thorough and impartial investigation into the case.  

"The Ombudsman requests that this case be thoroughly, fully, and impartially investigated during the pre-trial investigation," the report stated.  

According to the Prosecutor General's Office, employees of the Almalyk city prosecutor's office examined the scene and the body. Statements were collected from relevant personnel and medical staff, and a forensic examination was conducted to determine the cause of death.  

Preliminary findings from the forensic medical examination revealed that the cause of death was acute ischemic heart disease, myocardial hemorrhage, and myocardial infarction.  

"Currently, pre-investigation investigations are being conducted by the Tashkent Special Prosecutor's Office," the Prosecutor General's Office said in a statement.  

It is worth noting that on May 23, 2024, a 24-year-old convict committed suicide in prison No. 6, located in the Pop district of the Namangan region under the system of the Department of Execution of Sentences of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan. The Prosecutor General's Office reported that during the examination of the body, no injuries were found except for strangulation marks on the neck.


Bosh prokuratura Ombudsman koloniya Olmaliq Muhammadqodir Po'latov

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