Did Nazarbekov “start a war” against journalists? (video)



A recent statement by the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, People's Artist Ozodbek Nazarbekov, has sparked widespread debate and criticism on social media.

"Journalists used to hound artists relentlessly. Because the most 'meaningless' subject was always an artist. That's why we're used to it. Now, others are experiencing this. Twenty years ago, journalists couldn't talk about anyone else but us. It was only us. So, we've grown accustomed to it; we already have some experience with this," the minister remarked in a video shared on social media.

Following Nazarbekov's statement, many public figures and industry representatives voiced their objections. In particular, journalist Nasriddin Asriddinov commented that power has changed Ozodbek Nazarbekov drastically.

"Power has changed you greatly... You've done a complete 180... You're not the same. It was these journalists who introduced you and made you famous. I first recommended you for my show in 1998, when Muhriddin Khalikov was your teacher for 'Big Break.' And when we first learn to speak, we say 'dad' and 'mom,' not 'artist.' There's much more to say. But you failed to acknowledge the efforts of journalists like me who have dedicated their lives to covering art and culture. May you find success," he wrote on his Facebook page.

Asriddinov also reminded Minister Nazarbekov that he speaks differently on press holidays and urged him to be consistent.

Blogger Zafarbek Solijonov noted that while the minister made a valid point, it could be interpreted differently.

"Why did you dislike Ozod's speech? He's right. But there's a nuance. It's not that they 'didn't stick out,' but rather that they 'weren't allowed to stick out.' Why did they criticize you? Because the previous government used you to create the illusion of a 'blooming land, paradise.' You benefited from it, enjoying the perks without paying taxes. The situation will only change when the government stops using your 'services' in politics. Because Eminem doesn't come out and sing 'eternal spring, dear America,'" the blogger remarked.

It's worth noting that earlier, Andijan region governor Shuhrat Abdurakhmanov told journalists in Khanabad city during the "Sounds of the World" international festival, "Don't look for faults in my words. Don't waste time looking for the bad. You can't do anything wrong... Your hair will turn gray or fall out from thinking about it, but nothing else will happen." These comments also sparked heated debates.

Additionally, on August 16, during a press conference held by the Information and Mass Communications Agency, Ozodbek Nazarbekov stated that if people continue to criticize the funds allocated to the "Voice" project, he would sell his house and return the money to the state. During the opening ceremony of the 13th "Sharq Taronalari" international music festival, Nazarbekov also told journalists that holding festivals is more important than paving streets.


Jurnalistlar Ozodbek Nazarbekov

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