Student who caused the death of a person in Jizzakh was freed from punishment



A young student responsible for a fatality in the Jizzakh region has been released from punishment, according to the Supreme Court's press service.

H.U., born in 2001 and from Zomin district, faced charges in the Zarbdor District Court under Article 266 of the Criminal Code, which pertains to violations of traffic safety rules. The court considered several mitigating factors, including his lack of prior convictions, his status as a higher education student, his remorse, and that the crime was committed through negligence.

On the recommendation of the Youth Union, H.U. will receive leniency within legal limits and will be supervised by the Youth Union for one year to monitor his behavior and education.

The report emphasized, “While ignorance of the law does not excuse anyone, and no crime goes unpunished, the involvement of a guarantor does not equate to a full acquittal. It serves as a warning that H.U. must now exercise extreme caution and adhere strictly to the law to avoid severe penalties in the future.”

For reference, under the cited article, causing a death can result in up to seven years of imprisonment and deprivation of certain rights.


sud talaba Jizzax Zomin

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