Woman insulting the people of regions was imprisoned



A 21-year-old woman, R.N., was imprisoned for using several offensive words to insult the people of various provinces. This information was reported by QALAMPIR.UZ.

A video of R.N. insulting regional people circulated on social media. On June 2, she visited a recreation center in Tashkent with friends, took photos, and insulted the regional people without any provocation. She then posted the video on her Instagram page.

During an investigation by the Yakkasaray district's Coordinating Activities Department of the DIA, the girl's identity was confirmed. R.N. was taken to the administrative building of the Yakkasaray district's Coordinating Activities Department of the DIA. Documents were prepared in accordance with the relevant articles of the Code of Administrative Responsibility of Uzbekistan concerning her actions, and she was placed in the temporary detention center of the Coordinating Activities Department of the DIA in accordance with Article 286 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility.


Toshkent Viloyatliklar

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