How much budget money will be saved by reducing the number of staff in the ministries?
25 January 2023
12540Today, 25 January, the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-14 "On the first organizational measures to effectively establish the activities of the executive authorities of the Republic" was signed.
Earlier, we reported that the number of deputy heads of ministries and agencies is being reduced from 207 to 144 (-63) or 30 percent.
According to preliminary estimates, 703 motor vehicles and 10 buildings are being vacated with the reduction of management and production staff units.
As a result of these measures:
— 1.5 trillion soms to reduce the number of states;
— 70 billion soms of budget funds are being saved due to the reduction of the number of motor vehicles (including the costs of fuel and lubrication, replacement of tires).
The total limited number of employees in ministries and agencies is set at 56,573. It is strictly forbidden to introduce additional administrative states from non-budget funds of ministries and agencies.
Samarqand shahrida metro quriladi.
14 January