Cold and humid air mass will enter Uzbekistan



On October 13, a cold and humid air mass is expected to enter the northern regions of Uzbekistan, with the rest of the republic experiencing the same weather pattern from October 14 to 17, as reported by Uzgidromet.

The forecast indicates that from October 13 to 17, air temperatures will gradually decrease, reaching 3-8 degrees Celsius at night and 0-2 degrees in the northern parts of the country, with daytime temperatures around 13-18 degrees. Rain is anticipated across the republic from October 13 to 15.

Additionally, snow may fall in some mountainous areas, particularly in high-altitude regions.

It is also important to note that due to the expected rains on October 11 and between October 13-14, there are concerns about potential flooding in the foothills and mountainous regions of the republic.


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