Uzbekistan bans oil exports
01 June 2022
9540A decree from the president of Uzbekistan "On additional measures to ensure price stability in consumer markets and increase the effectiveness of antitrust measures" has been adopted.
The decree temporarily prohibits the export of the following products from the customs territory of Uzbekistan from 1 June 2022:
• vegetable oil, including cotton and sunflower oil, except for cases of prepayment within the framework of current contracts (agreements) until 1 June 2022, as well as the agreements of processing under the customs regime of Uzbekistan
• sunflower seeds (TIF TH code 1206 00) and seeds and fruits of other oil vegetables (TIF TH code 1207), except as otherwise provided by law.
The Cabinet of Ministers has been given the right to resume the export of goods specified in the paragraph, provided that there is a sufficient volume of these goods in the domestic market.