Uzbekistan supports UN resolution for Israeli withdrawal from Palestinian territories



On September 18, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution calling for Israel to withdraw its military forces from the occupied Palestinian territories.

The resolution, proposed by Palestine and backed by several other nations, was supported by 124 member states, including Uzbekistan. Meanwhile, 43 countries abstained, and 14 voted against it.

The resolution urges Israel to end its military presence in Palestinian lands, halt the construction of new settlements, return occupied territories and property, and facilitate the return of displaced Palestinians. It is grounded in an advisory opinion from the UN International Court of Justice, which has declared Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories since 1967 as "illegal."

Israel strongly opposed the resolution, with its UN ambassador, Dani Danon, labeling the vote a "shameful endorsement of the Palestinian Authority’s diplomatic terrorism."

Ahead of the vote, U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, criticized the resolution, calling it "provocative" and asserting that it would not contribute to achieving peace.

The resolution is based on a July advisory opinion by the International Court of Justice, which deemed Israel's continued presence in the Palestinian territories unlawful and stated that all nations have a duty not to recognize it.


O'zbekiston BMT Falastin Isroil rezolyutsiya

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