Uzbekistan-Afghanistan trade turnover may reach $3 billion in the coming years



On August 17, a government delegation led by Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov traveled to Afghanistan, as reported by the government portal.

During the visit, a bilateral meeting took place with Abdul Ghani Baradar, acting Prime Minister of the Taliban interim government, Abdul Salam Hanafi, Deputy Prime Minister for Administrative Affairs, Abdul Kabir, Deputy Prime Minister for Political Affairs, and Amir Khan Muttaqi, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The discussions focused on enhancing trade relations with Afghanistan, promoting effective cooperation in the energy sector, implementing joint projects for the development of copper, iron, oil, and gas fields, as well as deepening interregional ties in transport and logistics, agriculture and water management, and education.

It was also emphasized that there is potential to increase bilateral trade turnover to $1 billion by 2024 and to $3 billion in the following years. To achieve this, the parties agreed on the need to consistently utilize untapped resources on a mutually beneficial basis.

As a reminder, it was previously reported that Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov visited Afghanistan. Upon his arrival at Kabul airport, he was received by Abdul Salam Hanafi, Deputy Prime Minister of the Taliban interim government for administrative affairs. Five agreements were signed in Kabul between Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov and the leadership of the Taliban interim government. During the meeting, Aripov reiterated Uzbekistan's readiness to cooperate with Afghanistan.


Afg'oniston Abdulla Aripov

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