A woman who was assumed dead is found alive under the rubble



An Uzbek woman, who was reported to have died in the earthquake in Turkey had in fact survived, and was rescued from the rubble.  This was reported by the Consulate General of Uzbekistan in Istanbul.

It is reported that unknown people spread the news on social networks about the death of Shokhista Niyozova, a citizen of Uzbekistan, who was born in 1975 and lived in the Namangan region, in a building that collapsed due to the earthquake.

Based on this information, the General Consulate managed to find this citizen.

"Our compatriot is alive.  Shokhista Niyozova was taken to the hospital by the consulate and was examined.  Necessary medical treatment was given to her, now she is said to be in a satisfactory condition," the report said.

It is noted that at the same time, measures are being taken to return the citizen Niyozova to Uzbekistan.

It should be recalled that on 6 February this year, two earthquakes with a magnitude of more than seven occurred in the southeast of Turkey (at 04:17 local time - 7.7 points and at 13:24 - 7.6 points) The devastating earthquake was also felt in neighboring countries, including Syria, Lebanon, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, the Republic of Cyprus, and Iraq.

Following this, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced seven days of mourning for the victims of the natural disaster in Turkey. The Turkish state flags were lowered to half-mast across the country.

Also, Uzbekistan is actively participating in the clean-up and rescue efforts of the earthquake that occurred in Turkey.  At the request of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, a search and rescue team of 100 people was sent to Turkey on 9 February this year.

In addition, on 6 February this year, Uzbekistan sent humanitarian aid to Turkey, which was devastated by a strong earthquake.


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