Mirziyoyev meets with Turkish intelligence chief



Today, September 12, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev will hold a meeting with a Turkish delegation that includes Hakan Fidan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, Ali Erlikoya, Minister of Internal Affairs, and Ibrahim Kalin, Director of the National Intelligence Service. This was announced by Sherzod Asadov, the President's press secretary.

The visit by the Turkish delegation to Tashkent is part of the agreements made during President Mirziyoyev’s official visit to Turkey on June 6-7 of this year.

The agenda includes bilateral talks and a joint meeting of officials from the foreign policy, law enforcement, and intelligence sectors.

The discussions will focus on implementing the decisions made by the leaders of both countries and enhancing mutual coordination and cooperation in combating modern security threats and risks.

"This is the first time meetings in this format are being held, and they are intended to establish systematic cooperation in the key areas of the Uzbekistan-Turkey comprehensive strategic partnership," the report states.


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