Are prisoners given water only 4-6 hours a day in “Toshturma”?



There were reports on social networks that prisoners held in the Central Investigation Detention Center of the Department of Corrections under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, known as "Toshturma," are given water for only 4-6 hours a day. The Human Rights Representative (Ombudsman) of the Oliy Majlis responded to these allegations.

It is noted that this situation was monitored by the Ombudsman and immediately investigated by the staff of the organization's secretariat during a monitoring visit to the Central Detention Center of the Penitentiary Department. During the monitoring, I met with more than 50 prisoners kept in this detention center. When the situation was clarified, they stated that there were no problems related to water. They bathe once a week according to the established procedure and have no complaints about the provided medical services.

At the same time, the living conditions, feeding, quality of medical care, and compliance with sanitary and hygiene requirements of the persons kept in the detention center were studied during the monitoring. Additionally, it was found that 12 additional artesian electric pumps of 2.5 atmospheres were installed in its territory to provide water to the detainees. All of these pumps are in good condition.


suv mahbus Toshturmada

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