Individuals were arrested for cutting 5 maple trees in Tashkent region



In Orta Chirchiq city, situated in the Tashkent region, individuals involved in the unlawful cutting down of five maple trees have been detained, as per the press release from the Regional Ecology Department.

Reportedly, on December 5, 2023, Sh.M. and three acquaintances ventured onto the fields of a local farm, specifically in the "Mash'al" neighborhood area, where they utilized a chainsaw and other tools to fell five mature oriental sycamore trees valued at 247,180,000 soums.

The offenders were apprehended by law enforcement officers while in the process of cutting the trees into pieces and loading them onto a "KAMAZ" truck, destined for the "Takhta bozori" market in Tashkent.

In accordance with Article 198, Section 2, of the Criminal Code, which pertains to damaging or destroying crops, forests, trees, or other plants, the primary perpetrator was sentenced to two years of imprisonment by the court. Similarly, his accomplices received prison sentences under relevant articles of the Code.


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