Were medical staff forced to whitewash a wall?



A photo of medical workers cleaning a wall was circulated on social networks.  It shows women cleaning the windows of the entrance to the hospital building.  The Ministry of Poverty Alleviation and Employment responded to the situation and announced that the State Labor Inspectorate had conducted an investigation.

It is said that this incident happened on 13 April of this year in the territory of a medical institution (which one is unknown).  Explanatory letters were received from the chief doctor and staff of the hospital.

It is shown that daily cleaning work is carried out by junior medical staff (sanitary staff) of the institution, and these works are directly included in the functional duties of junior medical staff.  Also, in the explanatory letters, it is reflected that assignments and orders for employees to perform work other than their official duties and work outside of working hours were not accepted.

In the approved duties, it is indicated that cleaning work in the hospital is the functional task of a junior medical officer.

In addition, according to the requirements approved by Appendix 3 of the Sanitary Rules and Standards, cleaning of the internal and external walls, windows, floors, tiles and plinths of the attached building is specified by junior medical personnel.

It should be said that forced labor is prohibited based on Article 7 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


majburiy mehnat Tibbiyot xodimi

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