Train collides with Lacetti in Surkhandarya. There is a victim (video)
06 August 2024
10523On August 6, a tragic incident occurred in the Surkhandarya region when a train struck a Lacetti vehicle, resulting in the death of the driver. This information was provided by the Road Safety Department of Surkhandarya.
The accident took place at 12:40 PM at the 0th-kilometer mark on Highway 4N 1591, within the "Joziba" neighborhood of Kumkurgan district. The 24-year-old driver of the Lacetti car collided with the "Sariosiyo-Termiz" passenger train, which was traveling in the same direction, after disregarding the prohibitory signal of the warning traffic light at the railway crossing between the "Kumkurgan-Elbayon" railway station.
The driver succumbed to his injuries at the scene.
"The Investigative Group of the Internal Affairs Department of Kumkurgan district is currently investigating the incident," according to the report.
It is noteworthy that a similar incident occurred earlier in the Buvayda district of the Fergana region, where a schoolboy died after his tractor collided with a train.
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