“UAZ” with 6 passengers overturns in Surkhandarya



In the Surkhandarya region, a video emerged showing a "UAZ" vehicle with six passengers overturning after two "UAZ" drivers collided while competing for the road. The Information Service of the Traffic Safety Department of the Security Service Department of the Surkhandarya region DIA has responded to the situation.

On August 1 of this year at 15:00, on the 30th kilometer of the 4R-107 highway in the "Khonjiza" neighborhood of the Surkhandarya region, a driver born in 2003 was driving a "UAZ" vehicle. Ahead of him, another "UAZ" driven by a driver born in 1979 was moving in the same direction. While chasing the vehicle in front, the right side of the car driven by the younger driver collided with it. As a result, the driver lost control, causing the vehicle to veer off the road and overturn.

The six passengers in the overturned "UAZ" vehicle received first aid and were subsequently allowed to be treated at home.

"The documents collected regarding this incident are being sent to the court for criminal cases for further consideration," the report states.

It should be noted that earlier in the Andijan province, a driver died following a collision between a Nexia and a truck.





YHXB IIB UAZ Surxandaryo

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