I admit that I am Soviet-phobic — Alisher Qodirov



Alisher Qodirov, the deputy speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and leader of the Democratic Party faction "Milliy Tiklanish," declared his Soviet-phobia on his Telegram channel.

"I admit that I am Soviet-phobic! While the Soviet state is a part of our history, I believe it should not be a dark chapter in our history nor a part of our future," stated Qodirov.

He emphasized that Russia is a significant and powerful neighbor to Uzbekistan, and Tashkent values good neighborly relations, mutual interests, and cooperative development with Moscow.

Qodirov also mentioned that he has always recognized the importance of learning Russian for Uzbek youth, alongside English, Chinese, Arabic, and Persian.

"My proposal is straightforward: children should only be taught their mother tongue and the state language from an early age. Let our compatriots of different nationalities appreciate their mother tongue and learn the state language to thrive in Uzbekistan, their homeland. Learning a foreign language of their choice from middle school onwards will benefit both personal development and the country," he explained.

It is worth noting that Alisher Qodirov has previously stated that all nationalities living in Uzbekistan must know the Uzbek language.


Alisher Qodirov Sovetafob

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