By order of the President, the mayor of Syrdarya presented a house to the father from Boyovut



Governor of Syrdarya Region, Akmaljon Mahmudaliyev, presented a house in Gulistan City to Boyovut's father, in accordance with President Shavkat Mirziyoyev's directive. This was reported by the press service of the governor's office.

On May 8, the head of state visited the Central Military Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Defense and was briefed on the condition of Second World War participants. During the visit, he conversed with the father in need and assured him that a house would be provided upon his request. Subsequently, the president contacted the regional governor and instructed him to allocate a house in Gulistan to the father.

Governor Mahmudaliyev fulfilled the president's order by presenting the house to the father.

As the 101-year-old patriarch O'skan Hozhimanov is currently undergoing treatment, the apartment was handed over to his daughter-in-law and grandchildren. The mayor also visited the hospital, extended congratulations to the father, and delivered the new apartment documents along with the key.


Shavkat Mirziyoev Sirdaryo Guliston Akmaljon Mahmudaliev Boyovut O'skan ota Hojimanov

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