The issue of elevators is raised in the Senate
04 August 2023
6192Today, August 4, the 43rd plenary session of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan is being held. In it, the chairman of the Senate Committee on Defense and Security Issues, Qutbiddin Burkhanov, revealed the problems arising with elevators in multi-storey buildings in Uzbekistan.
He cited as an example the case of a 32-year-old woman who died after staying in the elevator for three days due to a malfunction of the elevator in an apartment building in the Mirzo Ulugbek district of Tashkent.
“This is extremely tragic. This situation was covered not only by the mass media of Uzbekistan, but also by the media of the world. Therefore, the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services and the Mining and Geology Ministry , geological and industrial safety control inspection should give an explanation on this situation,” said Qutbiddin Burkhanov.
He also reminded that on June 18 of this year, 11 citizens were injured due to a malfunction in the elevator of an apartment building in “Yangi Darkhan” neighborhood of Yangihayot district of Tashkent city, and that this is a problem that needs to be solved already. Said.
“Our committee studied the state of elevators in our country and the state of compliance with the law in their use.
As a result, it was determined that there are a number of systemic problems and shortcomings in this regard,” said Burkhanov.
He said that a number of tasks, such as ensuring that the technical condition of elevators in multi-apartment buildings meets the specified requirements, controlling their installation after passing state expertise, and taking measures to prohibit the use of defective elevators Mining, geology and industry in charge of safety control inspection. However, the inspection does not have the necessary powers and sufficient experts to perform these tasks.
“For example, inspection of newly built multi-apartment houses was not included in the composition of the commission of acceptance of the state board. As a result, without obtaining the appropriate opinion of experts, that is, without obtaining the state registration of elevator devices in the prescribed manner and without being inspected by security. Elevators are being put into use,” said the elected senator from Tashkent region. In addition, it is being used in nearly 400 elevator equipment in newly built multi-apartment buildings in the country without eliminating the identified deficiencies.
Controlling the technical condition of the elevators installed in apartment buildings, and the functions related to the elimination of existing deficiencies are actually performed by two state bodies – both the Mining, Geological and Industrial Safety Inspection, and the Apartment Building Inspection. It is determined that the control of the use of the land fund will be carried out by the inspection.
“Actually, these two structures do not have the opportunity to fully perform their tasks. In particular, there are more than 11 thousand elevators in a total of more than 4 thousand high-rise buildings in our country. In accordance with the requirements of the relevant regulatory technical documents, they are inspected every month inspection and a full technical test in March every 12 months.
But both inspectorates do not have material, technical, organizational and other opportunities to perform this one task,” said Vurkhanov, referring to the existing problem.
The senator said that based on the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers on June 12, 2020, it is planned to repair and replace a total of 1,685 elevator equipment between 2021 and 2023. As of July 1, 2023, 1,222 elevators have been repaired and replaced with new ones.
“According to the information received by the officials, the repair or replacement of the remaining 463 within the specified period is in doubt due to various reasons (due to the difference between the prices in 2020 and today’s prices),” the senator said.