Person who falsely claimed there was an explosive substance on a plane flying to Samarkand was arrested



The passenger who stated, "There is an explosive substance on the plane," has been detained. The press secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Shohrukh Giyosov, informed QALAMPIR.UZ of this development.

Reports indicate that on July 15 of this year at 03:15, M.A., a citizen born in 1978, was on a Domodedovo-Samarkand flight. It was reported that he, in a drunken state, told the flight attendants that there was an explosive substance on the plane.

As a result of investigations conducted by the Explosive Substances Disposal Group of the Samarkand region's Internal Affairs Department, no explosive, flammable, or suspicious items were found on board.

"Since there are signs of an administrative offense stipulated in Article 183 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Petty Hooliganism), the collected documents were sent to the Samarkand City Court on Criminal Cases," the report states.


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