11 administrative documents accepted by administrations in Samarkand were found contrary to law



The normative legal documents adopted by 11 district administrations in Samarkand were found to be contrary to the Law

The Committee for the Development of Competition and Protection of Consumer Rights reported that normative legal documents adopted by 11 administrations in the Samarkand region contradict the requirements of the Law "On Competition".

At the end of the second quarter of this year, the regional administration of the Samarkand region's committee conducted a study on the regulatory legal documents adopted by administrations in the region in accordance with the requirements of the Law "On Competition", as well as on the adoption of documents that hinder the development of competition.

The normative documents adopted by the governorates of Ishtikhon, Payariq, Pastdargom, Toyloq, Qoshrabot, Samarkand, Urgut, Jomboy, Kattaqorgon, Narpay districts, and the city of Kattaqorgon were found to violate Article 22 of the Law "On Competition". This article prohibits executive authorities and other organizations of the Republic from adopting documents that restrict competition and prohibits actions (inaction) by associations of legal entities that contradict the requirements of decision-making, orders, and setting discriminatory or preferential conditions for certain economic entities.

Based on the study's findings, the regional administration has submitted appropriate recommendations to the city and district mayors to rectify the violations of the law and to prevent such occurrences in the future.

It was previously reported that the anti-competitive decisions of governors were overturned in Jizzakh.


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