Uzbek national was arrested for assaulting Russian deputy



Yesterday, on July 18, a group of migrants in Samara assaulted State Duma deputy Mikhail Matveyev. Among the assailants were reported to be Uzbek nationals. The deputy shared this information on his Telegram channel.

Reportedly, the incident occurred when the deputy, driving through Samara, witnessed a brawl among some young men. He stopped his car and attempted to intervene. As a result, he sustained serious injuries, including a head wound. According to the deputy, he was attacked with a baton.

Irina Volk, an official representative of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, also commented on the incident involving the deputy in Samara.

“Police arrived at the scene and identified and detained two participants of the altercation. Efforts are currently underway to apprehend a third participant. Police officers are conducting investigations to establish all circumstances of the incident,” said Irina Volk.

According to reports, one of the detainees has been identified as an Uzbek national born in 2004.

It is worth noting that earlier in Russia, three Uzbeks were accused of assaulting a TV channel employee.


Rossiya o'zbekistonlik deputat kaltak

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