The referendum ballot will have only one question and 2 answer options



The ballot for the referendum on the Constitution of Uzbekistan contains only one question and two options for answering it.  This was reported by the Central Election Commission.

It is noted that the form and description of the ballot in the referendum of the Republic of Uzbekistan was approved at the meeting of the CEC held yesterday, 5 April.

In accordance with Article 29 of the law “On the Referendum of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, the text of the issue indicated in the decisions of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 10 March 2023, and the Senate of the Oliy Majlis dated 14 March 2023, was included in the referendum ballot, and the voter options of willingness were indicated as “yes” or “no”.  In addition, the voting ballot contains an explanation of the procedure for filling it out.

Braille-based stencils were also available for blind voters to fill in the ballots.

The ballots take into account the number of voters in the referendum district according to the information provided by the referendum district commissions, including the need to prepare ballots in the languages spoken by the majority of the population living in the territory of the referendum district.



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