The day of Putin's trip to Uzbekistan is clarified



Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit Uzbekistan on May 26-27, as announced by Yuriy Ushakov, the Assistant to the President of Russia, on May 23.

"For now, I can say that there will be a visit to Belarus today and tomorrow, and on Sunday and Monday to Uzbekistan," Ushakov clarified to journalists.

Ushakov also mentioned that several documents are expected to be signed during Putin's visit.

It's worth noting that on May 21, Putin had a telephone conversation with Uzbekistan's President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. During this call, Putin discussed his recent talks with Chinese leaders in Beijing and the preparations for his upcoming visit to Uzbekistan.

Previously, on February 21, during a meeting in Kazan, Mirziyoyev mentioned that one of Putin's first visits after the election would be to Uzbekistan, and he was preparing for it "very seriously." Putin's first foreign trip post-election was to China on May 16-17.


Rossiya O'zbekiston Vladimir Putin

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