Family kindergartens are allowed to accept children under 3 years old



Hereinafter, family kindergartens can accept children under 3 years old.  This was stated in the decision of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On additional measures to further develop the state-private partnership in the field of preschool education" adopted yesterday 14th July.

According to the decision, from 1 September 2022:

a) in family non-state kindergartens:

• when the number of children of families in need of social assistance and the number of special contingents is less than 70% of the number of foster children, it is allowed to accept the children of other families;

• it is allowed to allocate up to 4.5 staff units for the positions of educator and educator-assistant;

• the subsidy to cover the salary of tutors and tutor-assistants is transferred directly to the plastic card of these employees from the budget;

b) in kindergartens and family kindergartens operating on the basis of the state-private partnership:

• children aged 3 years and older, but not older than 7 years and 8 months, are taken into account when calculating subsidies and compensations paid from the budget;

• it is allowed to accept children under 3 years of age by independently determining the amount of the parental fee.

s) compensation for natural gas is also paid to PPP-based and non-state kindergartens that do not have a centralized natural gas supply but use other types of heating.


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