516 people were arrested after the parades in Nukus
04 July 2022
12884516 persons suspected of participating in demonstrations that took place in Karakalpakstan on 1-2 July of the current year have been detained. This is stated in a video report from the head of the Information Service under the National Guard Davron Jumanazarov on the work carried out by the commandant's department of the territory of the Republic of Karakalpakstan during the state of emergency.
“You all know that from 00:01 on 3 July of the current year, the regime of emergency state was introduced in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. During the state of emergency, a curfew was imposed from 21:00pm to 7:00am and during this time, temporary restrictions were imposed. As we reported earlier, on 1-2 July 2022, in the city of Nukus, a group of people disguised themselves with false slogans took to the streets of the city with their malicious propaganda, committed illegal actions among the population, and did not fulfill the legitimate demands of the authorities and created chaos.
516 citizens were detained at the scene of the riots were handed over to the internal affairs department on 1-2 July. They are being investigated. According to the outcomes of the investigation some of them were released after the imposition of administrative measures”, - the representative of the National Guard said.
In addition, after the proclamation of a state of emergency by decree, on the night of 3 to 4 July, 110 citizens were detained and handed over to the internal affairs agencies for violating the curfew and walking the streets. 12 cars were sent to the penalty area.
In the city of Nukus, 58 people were detained while on patrol for not observing curfew. Of these, 28 individuals were issued administrative responsibility for violation of the requirements of article 204 of the Administrative Liability Code - Emergency Procedure. The rest of the detainees were interrogated and released after 07:00am.
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