Mirziyoyev and Khurelsukh hold talks



Mirziyoyev and Khurelsukh engaged in discussions today, June 24. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev of Uzbekistan and President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh of Mongolia convened along with their respective delegations, as reported by the President's press service.

The talks centered on enhancing mutually beneficial cooperation between the two nations. They underscored the importance of bolstering political dialogue, inter-parliamentary relations, and mutual support within international organizations. They also discussed activating security-related ties and announced the upcoming official opening of the Mongolian embassy in Tashkent.

During the negotiations, it was highlighted that Mongolia was among the earliest supporters of Uzbekistan's accession to the World Trade Organization, having signed the necessary protocol. Special attention was given to deepening trade and economic cooperation, with potential plans to increase mutual trade volumes by 5-10 times in the coming years. This expansion is anticipated through diversifying product categories and quantities, including initiatives like establishing official trading houses in Ulaanbaatar and Tashkent, preparing for a Preferential Trade Agreement, and proposing mutual market access facilitation.

Additionally, Mirziyoyev proposed the adoption of a medium-term Industrial Cooperation Program. The leaders also discussed jointly analyzing transport corridors passing through Kyrgyzstan and China.

Furthermore, today the Uzbek and Mongolian leaders will meet with business representatives from both countries. Tomorrow in Tashkent, there will be a joint concert featuring the renowned Mongolian "Morin Huur" orchestra, showcasing cultural exchange.

Earlier, it was reported that the President of Mongolia was warmly received in Koksaroy.


Toshkent Shavkat Mirziyoev muzokara Uxnaagiyn Xurelsux

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