Mirziyoyev receives the Minister of National Defense of Turkey



Today, June 26, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, received a delegation headed by the Minister of National Defense of Turkey, Yashar Güler, who is in the country on a practical visit. This was reported by the President's press service.

At the beginning of the meeting, the head of the Turkish Defense Office conveyed the sincere greetings and best wishes of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the leader of Uzbekistan.

"Taking into account the agreements reached during the high-level visit to Ankara on June 5-6, urgent issues of further deepening of comprehensive strategic partnership relations between Uzbekistan and Turkey were discussed," the report said.

Additionally, prospects for the development of military and military-technical cooperation, including strengthening close interdepartmental relations, organizing joint events, training military specialists, and other issues were discussed.

Special attention was also given to strengthening and coordinating cooperation in the fields of security, fighting terrorism, extremism, and radicalism.

"They exchanged views on ensuring peace and stability in the region, including the situation in Afghanistan," the report said.


Shavkat Mirziyoev Turkiya O'zbekiston Yashar Gyuler

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