People involved in illegal drug trade worth 1.4 billion soums were caught in Margilon



Persons engaged in the sale of illegal drugs were arrested in the Fergana region and Tashkent city. This was reported by the Department for Combating Economic Crimes under the General Prosecutor's Office.

It is noted that citizens who have been involved in the sale of illegal drugs at a quick event held by the Margilan branch of the department, A.S., and M.S., were found to have 3,990 boxes worth 1.4 billion soums, totaling 19,950 pieces of "Neufol-C," which are prohibited for storage, sale, transportation, and use in medical practice in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It was discovered that they were keeping the drugs for transfer, and these drugs were taken as physical evidence.

Also, in a quick event held by the Yunusabad district branch of the department, A.A. and others, who were involved in the illegal sale of drugs, handed over 2,500 boxes of "NEUFOL-C" medicine, produced abroad, without relevant documents, to citizen M.Kh. At the time of sale for 21,700 US dollars, it was seized with physical evidence.

In connection with these cases, criminal cases were initiated under Article 186-3 of the Criminal Code (production, preparation, acquisition, storage, transportation, or transfer of low-quality or counterfeit drugs or medical products for transfer), and investigative actions are in progress.

Let's remember that earlier, people who were engaged in the sale of illegal drugs were caught in Fergana, Khorezm, Surkhandarya regions, and Tashkent city.


Yunusobod Marg'ilon noqonuniy dori

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