What is the prisoner's daily schedule in Uzbekistan?



The lifestyle and routines of incarcerated individuals can intrigue those not in confinement. A recent article in the legal-educational newspaper "Mirror of Justice" delves into this subject.

As per the regulations outlined in the internal procedures of prisons, established on July 29, 2013, the daily schedule for inmates is as follows:

- Wake-up time: 6:00 a.m.
- Morning hygiene: 15 minutes
- Making the bed: 10 minutes
- Morning and evening roll call: 30-40 minutes
- Breakfast: 20 minutes
- Lunch: 30 minutes
- Dinner: 30 minutes
- Mail delivery: 20-30 minutes
- Return from work: 20-30 minutes
- Work hours: 8 hours (6 hours for educational facilities)
- Free time: 1 hour
- Participation in educational or cultural events: 1 hour (scheduled)
- Preparing for bed: 10 minutes
- Sleeping time: 8 hours

While we do not condone anyone enduring such circumstances, facing the consequences of criminal actions, and missing out on cherished moments with loved ones, understanding life within prison walls can offer valuable insights.

Previously, a report titled "What is the state of prisons in Uzbekistan?" was compiled on this matter.


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