The law aimed at expanding the rights of prisoners came into force



It has been established that the staff of penal institutions must treat prisoners humanely, and that medical and scientific experiments on prisoners cannot be conducted without their consent. This is stated in the "Law on Amendments and Additions to the Criminal-Executive Code aimed at Ensuring the Rights and Legal Interests of Prisoners," signed by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev of Uzbekistan on August 28 of this year.

According to the newly revised Constitution and the Criminal-Executive Code, the law provides for the humane treatment of prisoners and respect for their honor and dignity. It also strengthens the rights of the Human Rights Representative of the Oliy Majlis (Ombudsman), the Child Rights Representative (Children's Ombudsman), and ensures the right to appeal to international bodies that protect human rights and freedoms.

Additionally, the law guarantees the right to participate in elections and referendums for prisoners held in places of deprivation of liberty for committing serious and extremely serious crimes.

If prisoners convicted of serious and extremely serious crimes are not deprived of the right to vote in elections for the President, deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, people's deputies of regional, district, and city councils, as well as in referendums, by law and based on a court decision, they will have the right to participate in these elections and referendums.

Convicts also have the right to be treated humanely, and their dignity must be respected. Staff at penal institutions are required to treat prisoners with humanity, and medical and scientific experiments cannot be conducted on prisoners without their consent.

In every residential sector of penal institutions, in industrial zones, and in buildings intended for short and long-term meetings, a box for appeals to the Ombudsman will be placed in a convenient location for prisoners to submit their appeals. Additionally, in correctional colonies, an appeals box for the Children's Ombudsman will be established, which will be opened only by the Human Rights Representative of the Oliy Majlis (Ombudsman), the Children's Rights Representative (Children's Ombudsman), or their secretariat staff.


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