It became known which regional applicants got the lowest points in the entrance exams?



The test results of applicants who graduated from school this year were announced.

According to him, 36 percent (129 thousand 609) of 359 thousand 790 school graduates who took the exam scored less than 56.7 points.  In terms of regions, school graduates from Bukhara, Navoi regions and Tashkent city had the highest scores, while school graduates from Surkhandarya, Tashkent, Andijan regions recorded the lowest scores.

School graduates in Bukhara region scored an average of 86.4 points.  In Andijan region, this indicator was 70.4 points.

According to the published data, this year, almost half of all applicants (49.4 percent) did not even score 56.7 points, which is the minimum pass mark.  70.5% of the applicants who scored less than 56.7 points graduated in previous years, and the remaining 29.5% were graduates of the current year.

For information, this year, the number of applicants who applied for undergraduate courses of higher education institutions was 1 million 18 thousand 7 people.  Of these, 948,486 applicants were found eligible for the test, but 59,866 of them did not appear for the exam.  Also, a total of 148 applicants were excluded from the 13-day exams.

We remind you that the last day of the exam was held on August 13.  According to the legislation, the mandate should have been announced within 1 week from this date, that is, on August 20.  But the results of the mandate have not been announced yet.



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