New head was appointed to the department of Ecology in Khorezm region



Kamoliddin Ma'murovich Shermatov has been appointed as the head of the Department of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change for the Khorezm region. This appointment was confirmed by the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change.

It is noted that the appointment was made in accordance with the relevant order issued by the Minister of Ecology.

For your information, Kamoliddin Shermatov was born on May 29, 1974, in the Payarik district of the Samarkand region. He holds degrees from the Samarkand State Institute of Architecture and Construction, the Samarkand Agricultural Institute, and Samarkand State University. His previous roles include serving as the head of the Department of Agriculture for the Navoi region, the director of the Zarafshan National Nature Park, among other positions. Prior to this appointment, he served as the head of the regional department of the Ministry of Ecology in the Samarkand region.

It is worth noting that the head of the Department of Ecology for the Samarkand region was appointed earlier.


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