77 billion soums of damage was caused to agriculture in one month



In August, agriculture in Uzbekistan suffered damages amounting to 77 billion soums, as reported by "Uzagroinspeksiya."

It was noted that in August 2024, a total of 195 cases of land violations were recorded on 274 hectares of land designated for agriculture. This included 127 hectares of irrigated land, 83 hectares of dry land, 2.4 hectares of gray land, and 62 hectares of pasture land. These violations led to the unauthorized removal of land from agricultural use.

The total damage to agriculture caused by these violations was estimated at 76 billion 916 million soums. The highest number of violations occurred in Andijan (30 cases), Kashkadarya (43 cases), Namangan (41 cases), Samarkand (29 cases), and Surkhandarya regions (19 cases).

In response to 109 cases of land violations, warning letters were sent to the prosecutor's office, 47 cases were referred to the regional units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 42 cases were directed to other organizations, and 8 cases were addressed to land users.

We remind you that during a recent video conference chaired by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, it was announced that an additional 50,000 hectares of land will be distributed to 100,000 poor families within the next year.


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