Karshi city set for major expansion  



The center of the Kashkadarya region is set to expand by 7,767 hectares over the next 18 years, nearly doubling in size by incorporating territories from Koson, Karshi, and Kokdala districts. This is outlined in a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers approving the master plan for the city of Karshi, which came into force on February 25, 2025.  

The master plan, approved by the Republican Architectural and Urban Planning Council, envisions Karshi's territorial expansion into Koson, Karshi, and Kokdala districts by 2042.  

Currently, the city's area covers 8,308.9 hectares. By the end of 2030, it is projected to increase to 11,126.8 hectares, and by 2042, it will reach 16,173.6 hectares.  

Over the same period, Karshi’s population is expected to grow from 300,000 to 400,000 by 2030 and to 470,000 by 2042. The city's housing stock is planned to expand from the current 3.99 million square meters to 7.2 million square meters by 2030 and to 10.81 million square meters by 2042.  

Housing provision per capita is also set to improve, increasing from an average of 14.1 square meters per person to 18 square meters in 2030 and 23 square meters in 2042. Notably, the share of 2-3 and 4-5-story residential buildings in the total housing stock will decrease, while the construction of taller buildings—7, 12, 14, and 16 stories—will rise. Additionally, 9 and 20-story buildings will be built.  

To meet the growing population's demand for social infrastructure, significant expansions are planned. The capacity of preschool education institutions will increase from the current 11,800 places to 22,000 by 2030 and to 29,140 by 2042. Similarly, the capacity of general education schools will rise from 38,000 places to 64,000 by 2030 and to 74,260 by 2042.  

The city will also see expanded healthcare services, retail and hospitality establishments, cultural and entertainment facilities, and public amenities.  

Infrastructure improvements will be substantial. The length of Karshi’s main streets, currently 88 kilometers, will expand to 155.35 kilometers by 2030 and to 291.33 kilometers by 2042. The number of annual public transport passengers, currently 96 million, is projected to reach 160 million within six years and 235 million by 2042.  

Rapid development is also planned in key engineering and technical infrastructure sectors, including drinking water supply, gas and electricity distribution, heating, and sewage systems.  

The Kashkadarya regional administration has been tasked with preparing a comprehensive implementation program for the master plan within three months and submitting it to the Cabinet of Ministers for approval.  

It should be recalled that earlier, it was announced that the city of Samarkand would expand by incorporating 170 hectares from the Samarkand district and 243 hectares from the Akdarya district.  



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