Wages, pensions and allowances are increased



Wages, pensions, and allowances have been increased in Uzbekistan following a decree signed by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. 

According to the document, starting from September 1, 2024, pensions and allowances will be increased by 15%. Specifically:

- The basic amount of pension calculation will be 428,000 sums per month.
- The minimum age pension will be 834,000 sums per month.
- The minimum disability pension will be 920,000 sums per month.
- Other pensions and allowances paid to citizens will be determined in accordance with the appendix.

Additionally, starting from October 1, 2024, the wages of medical workers in budget organizations, as well as teachers in pre-school, general education, secondary special, professional, and extracurricular educational institutions and organizations, "Muruvvat" boarding houses, children's homes and orphanages, and children's sanatoriums, will be increased by 15 percent

The salaries of employees in budget organizations, excluding those mentioned in the previous paragraph, will be increased by 10%.

The minimum wage will be set at 1,155,000 sums per month, and the base calculation amount will be 375,000 sums.

The expenses related to the increase in salaries, pensions, and allowances for employees of budget organizations will be covered by the State Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the extra-budgetary Pension Fund under the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

The document recommends that employers ensure that wages are not less than the minimum amount of labor remuneration established by law and consider increasing wages in line with the minimum wage requirements.

Deputy Prime Minister Jamshid Kochkarov has been appointed as the official responsible for ensuring the implementation of this decree. Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov is tasked with overseeing the decree's implementation, coordinating efforts, and controlling the activities of the responsible organizations.


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