No injury was found except for the neck — the Prosecutor General's Office reports about the young man who hanged himself in prison



It was previously reported that a 24-year-old inmate committed suicide in Namangan prison. The deceased's mother claimed her son had torture marks on his body. However, the General Prosecutor's Office stated that the examination revealed no injuries other than strangulation marks on the neck. This information was provided by Hayot Shamsutdinov, the press secretary of the Prosecutor General's Office.

"On May 23, a convict born in 2000, serving his sentence in a Namangan region penal institution, hanged himself in the production workshop area and died. The examination of his body revealed no injuries other than neck strangulation," stated Shamsutdinov.

The Pop district prosecutor's office is reported to be investigating the incident.

The press secretary of the Prosecutor General's Office assured that the investigation will be thorough, complete, and objective, with a legal decision to follow based on the findings.

The deceased had been convicted under Article 273, Part 5 of the Criminal Code for "Illegal sale of narcotic drugs, their analogs, or psychotropic substances in large quantities."

It was previously reported that the Human Rights representative (ombudsman) of the Oliy Majlis had taken control of this situation.


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