Central Asian cobra show held for preschool children, safety concerns raised (video)
20 January
3969A controversial show featuring Central Asian cobras, an endangered species listed in the Red Book, was held for children at a preschool educational institution. The incident has prompted an investigation, according to the Children's Ombudsman.
The show, which included cobras, was presented to the children without the necessary safety measures to protect their health and well-being. The administration of the kindergarten has come under scrutiny for failing to ensure the safety of the children during the event.
"Internal affairs authorities are currently working to determine when and where this incident occurred. Based on this, the legal assessment of the situation will be addressed," the report stated.
This incident follows a previous case in the Koshrabot district of Samarkand, where a similar snake performance involving a rattlesnake was performed by individuals from Ishtikhon district.