Director of the “Ashxobod” amusement park in Tashkent, along with his deputy and the head of the advertising department, were arrested



According to the city's General Department of Internal Affairs, the director of the "Ashxobod" amusement park in Tashkent, his deputy, and the head of the advertising department have been sentenced to 15 days of imprisonment.

On June 1, at noon, the park's administration announced on social media the distribution of 20,000 toys and ice cream at the "Ashxobod" amusement park. Despite being warned that it was impractical to accommodate around 40,000 visitors in the park, the management proceeded with the event.

Ignoring the event regulations, the park's administration advertised the free toy distribution on social media, resulting in a large crowd gathering in and around the park, thereby endangering public safety.

This led to traffic congestion at the park's entrances and exits, as well as on nearby roads. Law enforcement agencies intervened, clearing the traffic and dispersing the crowd peacefully.

As a result, the Yashnobod district DIA issued an administrative report under the Republic of Uzbekistan’s liability code against the park’s director A.N. (born in 1981), deputy director A.Z. (born in 1987), and head of the advertising department D.T. (born in 1994). The Yashnobod district criminal court sentenced them to 15 days of administrative imprisonment under Article 201.

The statement noted, "As per the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan Resolution No. 205 dated July 29, 2014, a permit application must be submitted one month in advance for public events. Conducting a public event without permission results in legal liability.”


Toshkent Ashxobod bog'i

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