USA imposes sanctions on Uzbek citizens who joined ISIS



The United States, working closely with the Turkish government, has sanctioned individuals linked to the activities of the terrorist group ISIS. This information was released by the press service of the US Department of the Treasury.

"The United States has sanctioned four individuals connected to ISIS, including members of a human smuggling ring affiliated with the group. The investigation and subsequent actions were conducted in close collaboration with the Turkish government, which is also implementing its own measures against the network," the department stated.

The sanctions list features Ismailov, son of Uzbek resident Olimkhon Mahmudjon, who was involved in the human smuggling network linked to ISIS, and Niyozov, son of Uzbek Muhammad Ibrohimjon, born in 1998.

Niyozov is a supporter of the network and has provided administrative and logistical support to ISIS members in Turkey. Mirzoyev, the son of Muhammadyusuf Alisher from Uzbekistan, who helped establish a training camp for ISIS fighters in mid-2023, is also on the list.

Adam Khamirzayev is the fourth individual named in the updated sanctions list.

The Ministry of Finance states that Khamirzayev, born in 1985 in Russia, is also known by the names "Andrei Guzun", "Adam Oliferchik", or "Adam Abu Darrar Al-Shishani".

The US Treasury Department identified Khamirzayev as an ISIS emir in Georgia who directed the ISIS smuggling network's activities. As the group's leader, his inclusion on the list results in the blocking and freezing of his property and assets.



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