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Putin awards Farrukh Zakirov and Sevara Nazarkhan

Art & Culture


Uzbek artists were awarded the Order of "Friendship" based on a decree from the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. The awarding decree was published on the portal of normative and legal documents.

According to the document, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the decree on awarding People's Artists of Uzbekistan Farrukh Zakirov and Sevara Nazarkhan today, November 18.

According to reports, both performers were awarded the Order of "Friendship" for their contribution to the rapprochement and enrichment of Uzbek and Russian cultures.

Tomorrow, November 19, a concert program featuring masters of Uzbek art will be presented at the State Kremlin Palace in Moscow as part of the "Days of Culture of Uzbekistan" in the Russian Federation.

For information, the Order of "Friendship" was established in Russia in the spring of 1994. It is awarded to Russian and foreign citizens for their services in strengthening friendship and mutual solidarity between peoples, as well as achievements in the fields of science and culture.

Let's remind that earlier, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, signed a decree awarding Farrukh Zakirov the honorary title of "People's Artist." In August of this year, Sevara Nazarkhan was named the People's Artist of Uzbekistan.


Rossiya O'zbekiston Vladimir Putin Farrux Zokirov Sevara Nazarxon

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