Foreigners who speak against the sovereignty of Uzbekistan might be prohibited from entering the country



Deputies from the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis have drafted a law titled "On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan 'On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Republic of Uzbekistan'" and have submitted it to the lower chamber under their legislative initiative rights, according to the Legislative Chamber's press service.
The draft law aims to implement extra measures to protect Uzbekistan's sovereignty and territorial integrity in the face of globalization. Drawing from the experiences of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Russia, Poland, Belarus, and China, the following changes and additions are proposed:

  • First, the criteria and process for deeming foreign citizens and stateless persons inadmissible in Uzbekistan are established. Public statements or actions by these individuals that oppose Uzbekistan's sovereignty, territorial integrity, and security, incite interstate, social, national, racial, or religious conflict, or insult the honor, dignity, or history of Uzbekistan's people, are grounds for their inadmissibility.


  • Second, individuals deemed inadmissible are banned from entering Uzbekistan, opening bank accounts, purchasing real estate, participating in state property privatization, and engaging in financial and contractual activities for five years.


  • Third, if a foreign citizen or stateless person temporarily or permanently residing in Uzbekistan is deemed inadmissible, their legal right to stay in Uzbekistan will be revoked, and they will be deported.
  • Fourth, the draft law outlines the grounds and procedure for deporting individuals deemed inadmissible. Specifically, such individuals must voluntarily leave Uzbekistan within 10 days of receiving a notification from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs declaring their stay unacceptable.

The draft law aims to strengthen Uzbekistan's sovereignty, territorial integrity, and security, protect interstate, inter-ethnic, and inter-religious harmony, and ensure respect for the honor, dignity, and history of Uzbekistan's people.



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