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Masked intruders in Kashkadarya arrested for home robbery (video)



A criminal gang responsible for a robbery in Karshi district, Kashkadarya region, has been detained. This was reported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to the report, at around 4:00 AM, three masked individuals broke into a house in the Alisher Navoiy neighborhood by climbing over the wall. They assaulted the homeowner, his wife, and their son, causing physical injuries. The gang demanded money and stole gold jewelry from a cabinet before fleeing the scene.

A criminal case has been initiated under Article 164, Part 3, Clause “v” (Robbery) of the Criminal Code. Investigations revealed that the suspects fled the scene in a Nexia-2 vehicle without license plates. The identities of the three perpetrators have been confirmed, and one of them has been apprehended. Additionally, the individual who provided information about the victim to the gang was also arrested. It was discovered that the group was connected to another robbery committed on November 26, 2024, in the Charagil neighborhood of Karshi district. Another suspect, born in 1985 and residing in Karshi city, has also been detained for involvement in that incident.

The three suspects are currently being held under Article 221 of the Criminal Procedure Code, and investigations are ongoing.

As a reminder, earlier in Fergana city, a dispute occurred at the “Verona” computer gaming club on Oftob Street. Following the incident, criminal cases were initiated against Vallomov Otabek Bakhtiyorjon ugli and his five accomplices under Article 104, Part 2, Clauses “b,” “ye,” “k” (Intentional Infliction of Serious Bodily Harm) and Article 277, Part 3, Clause “g” (Hooliganism) of the Criminal Code, with detention measures applied.


Qashqadaryo bosqinchilik jinoiy guruh

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