Two students stab a 56-year-old taxi driver in Yangiyol



Two individuals assaulted a 56-year-old taxi driver in the Yangiyol district of the Tashkent region, as reported by Hayot Shamsutdinov, the press secretary of the General Prosecutor's Office, to QALAMPIR.UZ.

On April 27, at 11:30 PM, two citizens, identified as M.Z. and M.D., armed with a kitchen knife with the intent to murder and rob, hailed a taxi at the "Olmazor" metro station in Tashkent. They boarded a Gentra car driven by A.Ch., who had responded to their call and directed him to Yangiyol district via the Tashkent-Termiz highway. Upon reaching the "Chamanzor" neighborhood area in the district around 1:00 AM on April 28, they halted in a vineyard owned by "Yangiyol sharob zavodi" LLC.

Seizing the opportunity of isolation, M.D., positioned in the back seat, assaulted A.Ch. with a pre-prepared kitchen knife, striking him once in the neck area and attempting to strangle him with his hands, while M.Z. restrained the victim. The night duty team of the district DIA intervened, apprehending the assailants mid-act.

Citizen A.Ch. sustained stab wounds to the right side of his neck, as confirmed by the Yangiyol District Medical Association. Material evidence, including the kitchen knife and bloodstains, were documented at the scene.

The district prosecutor's office initiated a criminal case under relevant sections of the Criminal Code. M.Z. and M.D. were detained pursuant to Article 227 of the Criminal Procedure Code, and on April 29, they were remanded into custody as a preventive measure.

Presently, the district prosecutor's office is conducting a preliminary investigation into the incident.

Background information reveals that M.Z., born in 2004, is a student at Tashkent University of Information and Technologies, while his accomplice, M.D., born in 2006, is enrolled at Tashkent State University of Economics.


Yangiyo'l pichoqlash

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