The new version of the Labor Code was adopted



Yesterday the 28  October, the President of Uzbekistan signed the law "On approval of the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan".

According to the Code, the main principles of legal regulation of individual labor relations and social relations directly related to them were defined as the following:

• equality of labor rights, prohibition of discrimination in the field of work and training;
• freedom of labor and prohibition of forced labor;
• social partnership in the field of labor;
• the guarantee of the provision of labor rights and the fulfillment of labor obligations;
• preventing the deterioration of the employee's legal status.

In particular, freedom of labor means the right of everyone to dispose of his abilities to work, to exercise them in any form not prohibited by law, and to freely choose the type of training, profession, specialty, workplace, and working conditions.

The state provides additional guarantees for the employment of socially needy categories of the population.

In this case, the socially needy categories of the population include:

• single parents with children under 14 years of age, children with disabilities, as well as parents in large families;
• young people who have graduated from general secondary and secondary special education organizations, vocational schools and colleges, and technical institutes and have a profession;
• Graduates of "Mehribonlik" houses, as well as graduates of higher education organizations who received education on state grants;
• Persons discharged from military service in the forces of the Ministry of Defense, Internal Affairs, Emergency Situations, National Guard, State Security Service;
• persons with disabilities;
• persons of pre-retirement age (two years before the statutory retirement age);
• persons who have been released from penal institutions or persons who have been subjected to coercive medical measures according to the court's decision;
• victims of human trafficking.

This law shall come into force six months after its official publication.

The law "On Approving the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan" (21 December 1995) will become invalid upon the entry into force of the law.


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