Girl insulting the provincials was brought to justice



The girl who insulted the provincials has faced justice. This information was provided by QALAMPIR.UZ reporter Abdurahmon Ergashev, who attended the trial.

S.A., born in 1998, reportedly insulted the residents of a region during a live broadcast on Instagram in October 2023. The incident led citizen I.P. to file a complaint with the internal affairs authorities.

During the trial, S.A. partially admitted guilt. She explained that in October 2023, while broadcasting live on Instagram, she received insulting comments from a stranger. In her anger, she directed similar insults back. She also apologized later. Some bloggers reported this situation and shared it on social networks, despite the time that had passed.

The court fined S.A. 6,800,000 soums, which is 20 times the basic amount as per Article 41 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility, considering his status as a second-group disabled person.

Additionally, we remind you that 21-year-old R.N. was placed in temporary custody by the DIA under Article 286 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility. A court later sentenced her to 15 days in prison.


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