A new chairman of the board is appointed to “Uztransgaz”
21 August 2023
7937Askar Isakov was appointed as the temporary acting chairman of the board of the joint-stock company “Uztransgaz”. This was reported by the Ministry of Energy.
Before that, Isakov was working as the deputy head of the inspection of the control of the use of electricity, oil products and gas under the Ministry of Energy.
For information, in 2021, Behzod Normatov, the former deputy minister of energy, was appointed as the chairman of the board of “Uztransgaz” JSC.
Let’s remind that last year the officials of “Uztransgaz” JSC looted 4 trillion 904.7 billion sums by means of fraud, and 7.4 billion sums were used as extra rewards. After it was given and appropriated, there were reports that a lot of damage was done to the interests of the state and society. After that, the General Prosecutor’s Office issued a statement on the situation and informed that the investigation is being carried out until the investigation.
O'zbekiston sun'iy yo'ldosh yasayapti.
17 January